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Zinsser Paints & Primers

Innovation. Quality. Problem solving. Zinsser was founded on these principles in 1849 and has remained true to its original charter for more than 150 years.

Zinsser has been on the cutting edge of innovation, creating new products – and new product categories – to meet the needs of contractors and exceed their expectations for quality and performance.

There are 3 products.

    Zinsser - Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Universal Primer
      Zinsser - Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Universal Primer
        Zinsser - Bulls Eye 123  is a classic universal interior and exterior, water-based,  primer sealer. It offers low odour application, quick drying convenience and excellent adhesion to glossy surfaces.
        Zinsser - Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Universal Primer
          Zinsser - Bulls Eye 123  is a classic universal interior and exterior, water-based,  primer sealer. It offers low odour application, quick drying convenience and excellent adhesion to glossy surfaces.
            Zinsser - B-I-N sealer - Primer Sealer
              Zinsser - B-I-N sealer - Primer Sealer
                Zinsser - B-I-N sealer - Primer Sealer is the ultimate shellac-based primer, sealer and stain killer. It is perfect for use on interior surfaces and spot priming of exterior surfaces. *Tintable to mid tone colours
                Zinsser - B-I-N sealer - Primer Sealer
                  Zinsser - B-I-N sealer - Primer Sealer is the ultimate shellac-based primer, sealer and stain killer. It is perfect for use on interior surfaces and spot priming of exterior surfaces. *Tintable to mid tone colours
                    CoverStain Primer Sealer
                      CoverStain Primer Sealer
                        Zinsser Cover Stain  Primer-Sealer is an all-purpose solvent-based, stain-killing, primer-sealer . Ideal for interior and exterior applications. Recoat in only two hours. May be used under any solvent-based or water-based topcoat. Up to 9.8m2 coverage per litre on most...
                        CoverStain Primer Sealer
                          Zinsser Cover Stain  Primer-Sealer is an all-purpose solvent-based, stain-killing, primer-sealer . Ideal for interior and exterior applications. Recoat in only two hours. May be used under any solvent-based or water-based topcoat. Up to 9.8m2 coverage per litre on most...